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A B O U T   P A S T O R   D A V I D

Pastor David Girley was first used by God when he was only five years old.  The Lord woke him from his sleep by calling his name and gave him instructions to prophecy to several people.  By the age of twelve, Pastor David was casting demons out of his brother.  The anointing and calling on his life was evident from a very early age.  Like many believers, it took Pastor David many years of being in the world until he found that Jesus Christ is “the way, the truth, and the life.” (John 14:6)


It was in 1994 that Pastor David responded to God’s call and began his deliverance ministry.  God gave him a specific commission: "My people are hurting, and I need an uncompromised, selfless vessel to be able to send to them, so I can heal them. I am not sending you to pat them on the head and move on; I’m sending you and equipping you to stay with the people until they are delivered." And Prayer, Healing, and Deliverance Ministries were born.


Pastor David answered that commission and began speaking to and praying for those who were hurting, those needing deliverance and those seeking the next level in God.   He began by ministering to inmates in prison in Eugene, Oregon.  He also worked in the inner city with gang members helping them give up their guns and their rags and give their life to Christ.  His ministry now stretches across the United States and includes revivals, conferences, training, and motivational seminars as well as Bible study classes. David has been the keynote speaker for many notable ministries as well as hosting Men’s and Women’s conferences.


Pastor David also has weekly television ministries broadcasted nationally.  His national television show airs on the Impact Network every Saturday night at 8:30pm PST and again at midnight PST. He also has weekly broadcasts on the NOW network on Wednesdays at 7:30am PST and on the GEB network on Saturday evenings at 6:30pm PST.


Music is another avenue that God communicates to Pastor David.  God will give Pastor David specific songs to sing that will help encourage and deliver the body of Christ.  Some of these songs have even been purchased by very well-known Gospel Artists.  In 2015 he released his God given original single “Somebody Prayed for me” and is currently recording the rest his album.


Pastor David is also an awesome teacher of the Word, one who breaks it down so that an individual from any social or economic background can understand it.  One of the reasons why he is such an effective teacher of the word is because his ministry surpasses the pulpit.  His gift of teaching and prophesying is used to encourage and equip the body of Christ with the Word of God so that every individual he touches can tap into their full potential in Christ and ultimately to tap into their own ministry.  Pastor David puts a strong emphasis on helping equip others for ministry.  Let Pastor David himself conclude his biography in his own words: "My ministry cannot reach its full potential until I have helped birth the ministries of others. We are laborers together. Our job is to take care of the laborers instead of attacking them."

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