Prophet David Girley has written and compiled over 1500 songs to his credit. Prophet Girley states that most of the songs were given to him when he was ministering in the prophetic, while many souls were being saved, healed, and set free under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Many people don’t realize that prophetic songs are the balance of the prophetic word. They both play a vital part in the flowing of the Holy Spirit.
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"Somebody Prayed For Me" is a song that God gave to Prophet Girley that he dedicated to his mother, Evangelist Willie Mae Perkins, while God was revealing to Prophet Girley the powerful and effective results of the intercessory prayers of the righteous. God stated that “no one has arrived to where they are today on their own”. So that means that someone prayed to God for Him to deliver them from their bad choices, bad relationships, bad habits, etc. “I am a product of answered prayer”, Prophet Girley adds, “There is no telling where I might be today if my mother hadn’t prayed for me”. Who do you need to go back and thank for praying for you? When you hear the words of this song, take the time out and let them know that you appreciate them praying for you.